| William Smith - Greece - 1860 - 718 pages
...alone had the courage to oppose the usurpation, and upbraided the people with their cowardice and then- treachery. " You might," said he, " with ease have...nothing now remains but to pluck him up by the roots." No one, however, responded to his appeal. He refused to fly; and when his friends asked him on what... | |
 | Sir William Smith - Greece - 1883 - 762 pages
...Solon alone had the courage to oppose the usurpation, and upbraided the people with their cowardice and their treachery. " You might," said he, " with...appeal. He refused to fly ; and when his friends asked hirn on what he relied for protection, " On my old age," was his reply. It is creditable to Pisistratus... | |
 | William Smith - Greece - 1854 - 756 pages
...Solon alone had the courage to oppose the usurpation, and upbraided the people with their cowardice and their treachery. " You might," said he, " with...But no one responded to his appeal. He refused to Hy ; and when his friends asked him on what he relied for protection, "On my old age," was his reply.... | |
 | Edgar Sanderson, John Porter Lamberton, Charles Morris - 1905 - 500 pages
...still continued to denounce him, and upbraided the people with their cowardice. "You might," he said, "with ease have crushed the tyrant in the bud, but...He refused to fly, and when his friends asked him upon what he relied for protection, "On my old age," was his reply. It is creditable to Pisistratus... | |
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