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very flattering Reception my

History of the Roman Commonwealth has received, has encouraged me to attempt, on the same plan, and with the fame views, A History of the Grecian States: those States which, though inconfiderable in their extent, gave law to the furrounding nations, and brought favage man, who till then wandered in the wilds of ignorance and barbarity, into the pale of civil society, and forced the rude customs of savages to yield to the refinements of the polite arts and 'fciences. Though her lofty domes are now no more visible, though her stately and magnificent cities have been long fince levelled with the earth, and the martial spirit has ceased to exist on Grecian soil; yet the deeds of her Heroes, Legislators, and Philosophers, will die only with Time itself.

After what has been advanced in the Prë. face to my Roman History, little need fur ther be faid in apology for this publication. I shall, therefore, only just mention the three heroes of my Frontispiece.

HOMER was the most celebrated and illustrious of all the Poets of antiquity; and yet we are not certain of what part of Greece he was a native; nor do we know

A 2

A View of the earliest State of Greece
-The Laws of Lycurgus-The Death of
that great Legislator
Page I

[blocks in formation]


The Athenians appoint Draco their Law-
maker-He is succeeded by Solon-Sala-
mis taken-The Seven Wife Men-The
Areopagus, and Council of Four Hun-
dred-Pififtratus ufurps the Government of

Athens-The Death of Solon


Page II


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