Position and boundaries § 5. Northern Greece: principal divisions and
§ 1. The three peninsulas of Southern Europe. § 2. of Greece. § 3. Size of the country. § 4. Name. Thessaly and Epirus. § 6. Central Greece: its mountains. § 7. Eastern half of Central Greece: Doris, Phocis, Locris, Boeotia, Attica, Megaris. § 8. Western half of Central Greece: Ozolian Locris, Etolia, Acarnania. § 9. Peloponnesus: Arcadia. § 10. Achaia, Argolis, Laconia, Messenia, Elis. § 11. The Grecian Islands. § 12. Influence of the physical geography of Greece upon the political destinies of the people. § 13. Likewise upon their intellectual character. § 14. Rivers and chief productions. § 15. Climate.
§ 1. THREE peninsulas, very different in form, project from the south of Europe into the Mediterranean sea. The most westerly, that of Spain and Portugal, is a quadrangular figure united to the mainland by an isthmus. The central one, that of Italy, is a long tongue of land, down which runs from north to south the back-bone of the Apennines. The most easterly, of which Greece GR.