| Charles Rollin - Carthaginians - 1735 - 520 pages
...punifhed but by due courfe of law. Five commiffioners came for this purpofe from Lacedaemonia, and thefe, without charging them with any crime, barely asked them whether they had done any fervice to the Lacedaemonians and the allies in this war. The Plataeans were much furprized, as well... | |
 | Oliver Goldsmith - Greece - 1774 - 416 pages
...and thefe without charging them with any crime, barely afked them whether they had done any fervice to the Lacedaemonians and the allies in this war ? The Plataeans were much furprifed, as w.ell as puzzled at this queftion, and were fenfibl.e, that it had been fuggefted by... | |
 | Charles Rollin - History, Ancient - 1804 - 584 pages
...mlssioners came for this purpose from Lacedjemoh j ongim.and these, without charging them with any crimey . barely asked them whether they had done any service...and the allies in this war ? The Plataeans were much surprized, as well as puzzled at this question ; and were sensible, that it had been suggested by the... | |
 | Oliver Goldsmith - Greece - 1805 - 354 pages
...been tried and adjudged in form of justice. Five commissioners came for this purpose from Lacedaemon, and these without charging them with any crime, barely...asked them whether they had done any service to the Lacedatmoniansand the allies in this war? The Flataeans were much surprised, as well as puzzled at... | |
 | Charles Rollin - History, Ancient - 1805 - 404 pages
...tried and adjudged in form of justice. Five commissioners came for this purpose from Lacedsemon, atd these, without charging them with any crime, barely...asked them whether they had done any service to the Lacedemenians and the allies in this war ? The Plataeans were much surprised as well as puzzled at... | |
 | Oliver Goldsmith - Greece - 1806 - 444 pages
...till they had the benefit of a regular trial. Five commissioners camr, for this purpose from Sparta; and these , without charging them with any crime ,...the Lacedaemonians and the allies in this war? The jPlatsBans were much surprized, as well as puzzled ftt this questioa., and knew it must have been suggested... | |
 | Charles Rollin - History, Ancient - 1808 - 684 pages
...been tried and adjudged in form of justice. Five commissioners came for this purpose from Lacedemon, and these, without charging them with any crime, barely...asked them whether they had done any service to the Lacedemonians and the allies in this war ? The Plateans were much surprised as well as puzzled at this... | |
 | Oliver Goldsmith - 1809 - 320 pages
...till they had the benefit of a regular trial. Five commissioners came for this purpose from Sparta ; and these, without charging them with any crime, barely...surprised, as well as puzzled at this question, and knew it must have been suggested by the Thebans, their professed enemies, who bad vowed their destruction.... | |
 | Oliver Goldsmith - Greece - 1814 - 578 pages
...been tried and adjudged in form of justice. Five commissioners came for this purpose from Lacedsefnon, and these, without charging them with any crime, barely asked them whether they had done service to the Lacedasmonians and the allies in this war? The Platscans were much surprised, as well... | |
 | Charles Rollin - History, Ancient - 1815 - 544 pages
...been tried and adjudged in form of justice. Five commissioners came for this purpose from Lacedatmon, and these, without charging them with any crime, barely...service to the Lacedaemonians and the allies in this war 1 The Plalaeans were much surprised as well as puzzled at this question, and were sensible that it... | |
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