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" I am very far from such bad thoughts. I am more convinced of the existence of God than my accusers ; and so convinced, that I abandon myself to God and you, that you may judge of me as you shall deem best for yourselves and me. "
The History of Greece: From the Earliest State to the Death of Alexander the ... - Page 216
by Oliver Goldsmith - 1825 - 524 pages
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The Ancient History of the Egyptians, Carthaginians, Assyrians ..., Volume 4

Charles Rollin - Carthaginians - 1735 - 386 pages
...more convinced of the exiftence of God than my ** accufers, and fo convinced, that I abandon my" felf to God and you, that you may judge of me ** as you fhall deem beft for yourfelves and me." Socrates * pronounced this difcourfe with a firm and intrepid...
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The Grecian History: From the Earliest State to the Death of Alexander the ...

Oliver Goldsmith - Greece - 1774 - 416 pages more convinced of the exiftence of God than my accufers ; and fo convinced, that I abandon myfelf to God and you, that you may judge of me as you fhall deem beft for yourfelves and me." Socrates pronounced this difcourfe with a firm and intrepid...
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The Grecian History: From the Earliest State, to the Death of ..., Volumes 1-2

Oliver Goldsmith - Greece - 1805 - 354 pages
...and prove that I believe no divinity. But I am very far from such bad thoughts. I am more convinced of the existence of God than my accusers ; and so...judge of me as you shall deem best for yourselves and me.' Socrates pronounced this discourse with a firm and intrepid tone : his air, his action, his...
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The Ancient History of the Egyptians, Carthaginians, Assyrians ..., Volume 4

Charles Rollin - History, Ancient - 1806 - 348 pages
...such bad thoughts. I am more convin" ced of the existence of God than my accusers, and so con" vinced, that I abandon myself to God and you, that you •"...judge of me as you shall deem best for yourselves and « me." Socrates * pronounced this discourse with a firm and intrepid tone. His air, his action,...
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The Columbian Orator: Containing a Variety of Original and Selected Pieces ...

Caleb Bingham - Elocution - 1807 - 312 pages
...and prove that I believe no divinity. But I um very far from such wicked thoughts. lam more convinced of the existence of God than my accusers ; and so...God and you, that you may judge .of me as you shall think it best. L 2 "DlALOQVS 126 THE COLUMBIAN ORATOR. * DIALOGUE ON COWARDICE AND KNAVERY. CHARACTERS....
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The Ancient History of the Egyptians, Carthaginians, Assyrians ..., Volume 4

Charles Rollin - History, Ancient - 1808 - 636 pages
...and prove that I believe no divinity. But I am very far from such bad thoughts. I am more convinced of the existence of God than my accusers, and so convinced, that I abandon myself to God and I you, that you may judge of me as you shall deem best for yourselves and me." Socrates d pronounced...
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Dr. Goldsmith's History of Greece: Abridged for the Use of Schools

Oliver Goldsmith - 1809 - 320 pages
...and prove that I believe no divinity. But I am very far from such bad thoughts : I am more convinced of the existence of God than my accusers ; and so...myself to God and you, that you may judge of me as you may deem best for your* «elves." Socrates pronounced this discourse with a firm and intrepid tone...
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Elegant extracts: a copious selection of passages from the most ..., Volume 3

Elegant extracts - 1812 - 316 pages
...very far from such bad thoughts : I am more convinced of the existence of God than my accusers 'are; and so convinced, that I abandon myself to God and...judge of me as you shall deem best for yourselves and me.' Socrates pronounced this discourse with a firm and intrepid tone. His air, his action, his...
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The Grecian History: From the Earliest State to the Death of Alexander the Great

Oliver Goldsmith - Greece - 1814 - 578 pages
...and prove that I believe ra> divinity.. But I am very far from such bad thoughts. I am more convinced of the existence of God than my accusers; and so convinced,...and you, that you may judge of me as you shall deem best-for yourselves and iae." Socrates pronounced this discourse with a firm and intrepid tone ; his...
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The Ancient History of the Egyptians, Carthaginians, Assyrians ..., Volume 2

Charles Rollin - History, Ancient - 1815 - 544 pages
..." thoughts. I am more convinced of the existence of God than my accus" ere. and so convinced, thai I abandon myself to God and you, that you " may judge of rue as you shall deem best for yourselves and me." Socrates f pronounced Ibis discourse with a firm...
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