| Charles Rollin - Carthaginians - 1735 - 386 pages
...the reputation *' true or falfe which I have, would it be confiftent " for me, after all the leflbns I have given upon *' the contempt of death, to be afraid of it myfelf, " and to bely in my laft action all the principles " and fentiments of my paft life. " But... | |
 | Oliver Goldsmith - Greece - 1774 - 416 pages
...with the reputation, true or falfe, which I have, would it be confiftent for me, after all the leffons I have given upon the contempt of death, to be afraid of it myfelf, and to belie in my laft action all the principles and fentiments of my paft life ? " But without... | |
 | Richard Johnson - Greece - 1786 - 168 pages
...with the reputation, true or falfe, which I have, would it be confiftent for me, after all the leffons I have given upon the contempt of death, to be afraid of it myfelf, and to belie in my laft actions all the principles and Sentiments of my paft life f ••... | |
 | Monthly literary register - 1821 - 676 pages
...or false, which I have acquired, would it be consistent in me, after all the lessons I have given on the contempt of death, to be afraid of it myself?...all the principles and sentiments of my past life?" Far, however, from being disposed to renounce the radical dogmas of the popular creed, he declared... | |
 | Charles Rollin - History, Ancient - 1800 - 430 pages
...the reputation, true or faift, which I have, would it be confiftent for me, alttr atl the Jeflbns 1 have given upon the contempt of death, to be afraid of it myfelf, and to 'belie in ray Wl .sftion all the principles and Sentiments of my paft ilifie. " But... | |
 | Oliver Goldsmith - Greece - 1805 - 354 pages
...infamy. At my age, and with the reputation, true or false, which I have, would it be consistent for me, after all the lessons I have given upon the contempt...without speaking of my fame which I should extremely Jnjure by such a conduct, I do not tttink it allowable to intreat a judge, nor to be absolved by supplications.... | |
 | Charles Rollin - History, Ancient - 1805 - 356 pages
...infamy. At my " age, and with the reputation true or false which I have, would " it be consistent for me, after all the lessons I have given upon " the..." But without speaking of my. fame, which I should ex" tremely injure by such a conduct, I do not think it allowable " to entreat a judge, nor to be absolved... | |
 | Charles Rollin - History, Ancient - 1806 - 348 pages
...or false which I have, would " it be consistent for me, after all the lessons I have given uporv M the contempt of death, to be afraid of it myself,..." But without speaking of my fame, which I should ex" tremely injure by such a conduct, I do not think it allowable " to entreat a judge, nor to be absolved... | |
 | Oliver Goldsmith - Greece - 1806 - 444 pages
...with the reputation , true or false , which I have , would it be consistent with me , after all ihe lessons I have given upon the contempt of death ,...of my past life? « But without speaking of my fame , wbich t should extremely injure By such a conduct, I do not think it allowable to intreat a judge... | |
 | Caleb Bingham - Elocution - 1807 - 312 pages
...whole city. At my age, and with the reputation, true or false, which I have, would it be consistent for me, after all the lessons I have given upon the contempt...injure by such a conduct, I do not think it allowable to entreat a judge, nor to be absolved by supplications : he ought to be persuaded and convinced. The... | |
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