B.C. 752. Decennial Archons.. 683. Annual Archons: their insti- Page в C. tution the first certain date nians:.... 1. Eupatridæ, Geomori, De- 2. Four tribes: Geleontes, Hopletes, Ægicores, Argades. The nine Archons and their functions 624. Legislation of Draco 612. Conspiracy of Cylon.. Government of the Eupatridæ The Alcmæonidæ. 596. Visit of Epimenides the Cretan: Life of Solon State of Attica at the time of Mountains, and the Shores. 594 Legislation of Solon... Relief of debtors.. Division of the people into four classes, according to their property: . 1. Pentacosiomedimni. 2. Knights. 3. Zeugitæ. 4. Thetes... Senate of Four Hundred Senate of the Areopagus. CHAPTER VI. THE GREEK COLONIES. Origin of the Greek colonies, and their relation to the mother city.. Division of the colonies into four groups L Colonies in Asia Minor and the adjoining islands Eolic, Ionic, and Doric colonies.. Miletus and Ephesus the II. Colonies in the western parts of the Mediterranean. Cumæ in Campania 44 510. Conquest of Thrace and Mace- donia by the Persians....47, 48 501. Expedition of Aristagoras and 49 THE PERSIAN WARS.—THE BATTLES OF THERMOPYLÆ, SALAMIS, And Platra, tory 02 66 March of Mardonius and the 70 448. The Athenian power at its 70 447. Decline of Athenian power 2.C. Page B.C. Carthaginian expedition to Sicily... 479. Preparations of Mardonius for the campaign.. Mardonius occupies Athens.. Athenian embassy to Sparta. March of the Spartan army... CHAPTER IX. FROM THE END OF THE PERSIAN WARS TO THE BEGINNING OF THE PELOPONNESIAN WAR, B.C. 479–431. 478. Rebuilding of Athens Attempts of the Lacedæmo- nians to prevent Athens be- ing fortified Defeated by Themistocles Fortification of Piræus.. Farther proceedings against Misconduct of Pausanias. The maritime supremacy trans- Confederacy of Delos.. The combined fleet under Ci- mon.. 471. Pausanias convicted of trea- son, and put to death.. Misconduct of Themistocles His ostracism 456., Themistocles flies to Persia.. Death of Aristides..... 476. Cimon takes Eion on the Stry- 466. Revolt and conquest of Naxos. Battle of the Eurymedon.. 465. Revolt of Thasos. 454. Earthquake at Sparta, and re- volt of the Helots and Mes- senians Cimon marches to the assist- ance of the Lacedæmonians: his abrupt dismissal Parties at Athens.. Character of Pericles. His attacks upon the Areopa- gus, and other reforms... 461. Ostracism of Cimon.. Administration and foreign policy of Pericles 460. Expedition of the Athenians into Egypt to assist Inarus.. 456. Battle of Enophyta, and con- quest of Boeotia 455. Defeat of the Athenians in Egypt with the exception of Samos 123 410. Twenty-second Year. Arrest 125 Abolition of the democracy, 407. sema. Antiochus... 130 army refuses to recognize |