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Hippias, 35; expelled from Laurium, silver mines at,
Athens, 36.


Histiæus of Miletus, 48; Leonidas, 59; his death,
crucified, 50.

History, rise of, 227.


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Leonnatus, 204.

Leosthenes, 203.

[blocks in formation]


Mardonius, 51; adroit flat-
tery of, 65; negotiations
with the Athenians, 66;
marches against Athens,
67; retreats, ib.; death,

Massalia, 44.
Medea, 7.

Medes, the, 45.

Long walls, Athenian, 88; | battle of, 202.

Medon, first Athenian ar

chon, 29.

[blocks in formation]

Megalopolis founded, 167;

rebuilt, 157.

Megara revolts


Lycabettus, 85.

Athens, 78; complains

Lyceum, 96.

[blocks in formation]
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Ionia, subjugated by the Lycon, 140.
Persians, 51.

Ionians, 5; four tribes of, Lycurgus (orator), 236.
29; revolt of the, 49; Lydian monarchy, 45.


defection from Sparta, Lyric poetry, 224; occa- Menander, 234.
sions of, ib.; develop- Menelaus, 7.
ment of, 226.

[blocks in formation]

Lysander, appointed Na- Mespila, 147.

varchus, 129; intrusted Messene founded, 168.
by Cyrus with his sa- Messenia, 3.
trapy, 132; his proceed- Messenian war, first, 24;
ings after the victory of second, 25; third, 75.
Egospotami, 133; block-Messenians conquered by
ades Piræus, ib.; takes the Spartans, 24; sub-
possession of Athens, jugated, 26.
134; establishes the Metellus, 221.

Thirty Tyrants, 135; Miletus, fall of, 50.
triumph, ib.; honours, Miltiades, 52; accusation
137; re-enters Athens, and death of, 55.
ib.; his ambitious Mindarus, 127.
schemes, 150; despatch- Minos, 6, 7.
ed to the Hellespont, Minotaur, 6.
151; expedition into Bo-Morea, 2.
otia, 153; slain, ib.

as- Lysias, 234.

Lysimachus, 206, 210;
slain, 212.


Macedonia, description of,

Lacedæmonians (v. Spar- Macedonian empire, parti-

Lachares, 211.

Laconia, 3; reduced by the
Spartans, 24; northern
frontier of, 26.
Ladé, battle of, 50.
Lamachus, 114.

Lamian war, 204.

Lampsacus, 133.

Larissa, 147.

tion of, 206; overthrow,


Macedonians, their origin,

Macrones, the, 148.
Magna Græcia, 42.
Malli, the, 198.

Mantinea, battle of, 113;
third battle of, 218.
Marathon, battle of, 53.

Mummius, 221; his igno-
rance of art, ib.
Munychia, SS.

Museum, 86.

Mycalé, battle of, 68.
Mycenae, 5; ruins of, 10.
Mytilené, naval engage
ment at, 131.
Mytileneans, revolt of the,
103; capitulate, ib.


Naxos, Spartan expedition
against, 48.

Neapolis, 116.

Nearchus, voyage of, 199.
Nemean games, 14.
Neodamodes, 151.

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Pelasgians, 4.
Pelopidas, character of,
161; gains a victory at

the Grecian states, ib.;
second invasion of
Greece, ib.; land at
Marathon, 52; third in,
vasion of Greece, 57;
their number under
Xerxes, ib.; destruction
of their fleet by a storm,
61; their progress, 62;
attack Delphi, 63; take
Athens, ib.; retreat of,

Tegyra, 163; subdues Phalanx, Macedonian, 176.
Alexander of Pheræ, Phalerum, SS.

Philemon, 234.

168; imprisoned by Alex- Phidias accused of recula.
ander, 169; defeats Alex- tion, SO.
ander, ib.; slain, ib.
Peloponnesian confede-
racy, meeting of, 82;
decides for war against
Athens, ib.; war, com-
mencement of, ib.; in-
vasion of Attica, 99;
Thucydides' character of
the war, 228.
Peloponnesus, 2.
Pelops, 5.
Peneus, 2.

Penj-ab, the, 197.
Pentacosiomedimni, 32.
Pentathlum, 13.
Perdiccas, 82.

general), 206; marches
against Ptolemy, 207;
assassinated, ib.
Pericles, character of, 76;
innovations of, ib.; his
administration, ib.; re-
duces Euboea, 78; plans
for adorning Athens, ib.
pleads for Aspasia, 80;
funeral oration by, 100;
accused of peculation,
101; death and charac-
ter, 102.


Pericles, age of, character
of art in, 88.
Perinthus, siege of, 181.
Perioci, 20.
Peripatetics, 237.

Philip of Macedon, carried
to Thebes as a hostage,
168; education of, 115;
character, 176; defeats
the Illyrians, ib.; takes
Amphipolis and Pydna,
ib.; takes part in the
sacred war, 178; reduces
Thessaly, ih.; expedi
tion into Thrace, 180;
takes Olynthus, 179; oc-
cupies Delphi, 180;
second expedition into
Thrace, 181; compelled
to evacuate the Cherso-
nese, ib.; defeats the
Thebans and Athenians
at Chæronea, ib.; his
conduct after the battle,
182; clemency towards
Athens, ib.; appointed
generalissimo against
Persia, ib.; assassin-
ated, ib.; character, ib.
Philip IV., 211.

Philip V., 216; assists the
Achæans, 217; forms an
alliance with Hannibal,
ib.; defeated by the
Romans, 218.
Philip Arrhidæus, 206.
Philippi founded, 177.
Philippics of Demos-
thenes, 178; first, 179.
taken and Philomelus, 177; slain, it.
burnt by Alexander, Philopomen, 218; takes
Sparta, 219; taken and
Perseus, 219; defeated by put to death, ib.
the Romans, 220. Philosophy, Greek, origin
Persians, 45; their cruel- of, 236; Ionic school of,
ties towards the Ionic ib.; Eleatic school, ib.;
Greeks, 50; invade Pythagorean school,
Greece, 51; demand 237; various schools, ib.
earth and water from Phocians, 177.

Parmenio, 187; put to Persepolis,
death by Alexander, 196.
Parnassus, Mount, 2.
Parthenon, 90.
Parysatis, Queen, 146, 152.
Pasargada, 194.
Paulus, L. Æm., 220.
Pausanias, King of Sparts,
vanity and treason o
71; recall and impeach-

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Phocion, 179; refuses Alex- Pyrrhus, 211; becomes
ander's presents, 186; king of Macedonia, 212.

accusation and death, Pythagoras, 42, 237.

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Pythia, 15.

Pythian games, 14.


Phrynichus (dramatist), Rhapsodists, 223.

Phyllidas, 161.
Pinacotheca, 90.

Pindar, account of, 226;
his house spared by
Alexander, 185.
Pindus, Mount, 2.
Piræus fortified, 70.
Pisa, 3.

Pisander, 152.

Pisistratus, usurpation of,
33; his stratagem, ib.;
his death, 31; his char-
acter, 35.

Plague at Athens, 190.

Rhegium, 42.

Rhodes, 3; siege of, 210.
Romans, direct their at-
tention towards Greece,
218; declare war against
Philip V., ib.; proclaim
the freedom of Greece,
219; declare war against
Perseus, 220.

Roxana, married by Alex-
ander, 106; murdered,



Plata, battle of, 67; sur- Sacred Band, Theban, 162.
prised, 82; besieged by Sacred war, 177.
the Peloponnesians, 102; Salamis, acquired by the
surrenders, 103; destroy- Athenians, 31; battle of,
ed, ib.; restored by the 64.
Lacedæmonians, 159; Salamis (in Cyprus), battle
again destroyed by the of, 210.
Thebans, 164.
Platæans join the Athe-
nians, 52.

Samos, revolt of, 81; sub-
dued, ib.; its importance
to Athens, 124; revolu-
tions at. 126.

Plato visits Sicily, 172;
sold as a slave, ib.; Sappho, 225.
second visit to Sicily, Sardis, 45; burnt, 49.
ib.; life of, 237; philos- Scarphea, battle of, 221.

ophy, ib.

Pleistoanax, 78.
Pnyx, the, 86, 96.
Pacile Stoa, the, 239.
Poetry, Greek, 222.
Polemarch, 29.
Polybius, 219.
Polycrates of Samos, 46.
Polysperchon, 207; expe-
dition to Peloponnesus,
Porus, 197.
Potidea, 176.

[blocks in formation]

Scione, 109.

Scythini, the, 143.
Seleucus, 207; founds An-
tioch, 211; succeeds to
the greater part of the
Macedonian empire, 213;
assassinated, ib.
Sellasia, battle of, 216.
Selymbria, 44.
Sestos, reduced by the
Athenians, 68.
Sicilian expedition,
termination of, 122.
Simonides of Ceos, 226.
Sisygambis, 190.
Slaves, 9.


Social war, 177; ill effects
of the, ib.; second, 217.
Socrates at Delium, 108;
opposes the condemna-
tion of the ten generals,
132; sketch of his life,
138; his teaching and

[blocks in formation]

Solon, 30; legislation of,

Sophocles, account of, 233;
character as a poet, ib.
Sparta, 18; landed prop
erty in, 23; earthquake
at, 75; allies of in the
Peloponnesian war, 99;
league against, 153; con-
gress at, 164; rapid fall
of, 167; taken by Anti-
gonus Doson, 216; taken
by Philopomen, 219.
Spartan constitution, 20;
tribes, ib.; education.
22; woen, 23; money,
Spartans, make war on
Arcadia, 24; alone re-
tain their kings, 27;
overthrow the despots,
28; conduct of, at Ther
mopylæ, 60; selfish con-
duct of, 62; dismiss the
Athenians, 75; oppose
the Athenians in Boo-
tia, 77; invade Attica,
99; send an embassy to
Athens, 100; invade Ar-
gos, 113; force the Ar-
gives to an alliance, ib.;
establish themselves at
Decelea, 119; assist the
Phocians against the
Thebans, 153; defeated
at Haliartus, ib.; pro-
claim the independence
of the Boeotian cities,
150; garrison Orchome-
nus and Thespiæ, ib.;
assist Amyntas against
the Olynthians, 160;
height of their power,
ib.; expelled from Boo
tia, 164; solicit the aid
of the Athenians, 168;
send an embassy to Per-
sia, ib.; excluded from
the Amphictyonic coun-
cil, 180; attempt to
throw off the Macedonian
yoke, 202; their decline
and degradation, 215;
call in the Romans, 220,


Speusippus, 238.


106; captured 108.
porades, 3.

Statira, 190, 199; murder-
ed by Roxana, 206.
Stoics, 237.

Strategi, Athenian, 101.
Stratonice, 211.

Susa, treasures at, 194.
Sybaris, its luxury, 42; de-
stroyed, ib.
Sybarites, 79.

Syntaxis, the, 162.
Syracusans, their vigorous
defence, 116.

Syracuse, 42; description
of 116; naval battle at,
118; engagement in the
Great Harbour of, 121;
constitution of, 171.

S&ssitia, 22.

[blocks in formation]

Themistocles, proposes a Tolmides, 78.
fleet, 55; his character, Torone, 109.

ib.; his advice to fight Tragedy, Greek, origin of,
at Salamis, 63; his strat- 230.

agem to bring on an en- Trapezus, 148.
gagement, 64; his mes-Trilogies, 231.
sage to Xerxes, ib.; re- Triparadisus, treaty of,
warded by the Spartans, 207.

66; his views, 70; goes Trojan expedition, 7.
ambassador to Sparta, Troy captured, 8.

ib.; corruption of, 73; Tyrant, value of the term,
ostracised, ib.; flight, 27.

ib.; reception in Persia, Tyre, besieged by Alex-
ib.; death, 74.
ander, 101.
Theramenes, 126, 132, 135; Tyrtæus, 25, 224.
his death, 136.

Thermopyla, 2; pass of,


58; battle of, 60.

Theseum, the, SS.

Theseus, 28.

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Thessalus, 115.
Thessaly, 2.
Thetes, 9, 32, 73.
Thimbron, 148, 150.
Thirty years' truce, 78.
Thirty Tyrants at Athens,
135; proscription of the,
136; defeated by Thra-
sybulus, 137; deposed by
the Spartans, 138.
Thrasybulus, 126; takes
Phylé, 137; seizes Pi-
ræus, ib; defeats the
Thirty, ib.
Thrasyllus, 126.

Thales of Miletus, 236.
Thasos, reduced, 75.
Thebans, surprise Platea,
82; expel King Agesi-
laus from Aulis, 151; in-
vade Phocis, 152; form Thucydides (the historian),

an alliance with Athens,
153; forced into the
Lacedæmonian alliance,

in Thrace, 109; banish-
ed, ib.; account of, 228;
his history, ib.

160; rise of their as- Thurii, 79.
cendency, 166; defeated Timocrates, 152.

[blocks in formation]


Xanthippus, 55; recovers
the Thracian
nese, 68.
Xenophanes, 236.
Xenophon, account of, 229;
his works, ib.; accom-
panies Cyrus, 142; sa-
luted General of the Ten
Thousand, 147; returns
to Athens, 148; joins
Agesilaus, ib.
Xerxes, character of, 56;

subdues Egypt, ib.;
marches towards Greece,
57; reviews his troops,
ib.; crosses the Helles-
pont, ib.; number of his
host, ib.; takes Athens,
63; his alarm and re
treat, €5.

by Alexander of Pheræ, Timoleon, character of, Xuthus, 4.

169; ally themselves 173; expedition to Sic-

with the Athenians
against Philip, 181;
humbled by Philip, 182;
rise against the Macedo-
nians, 185.

ily, ib.;

defeats the

Carthaginians, 174; be-


comes a Syracusan citi- Zaleucus, laws of, 42.

zen, ib.
Timotheus, 162.

Thebes, 2; liberated from Tiribazus, 158.

Zea, 88.
Zeno, 239.
Zeugitæ, 52.


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