Hippias, 35; expelled from Laurium, silver mines at, 55. Histiæus of Miletus, 48; Leonidas, 59; his death, History, rise of, 227. 61. Leonnatus, 204. Leosthenes, 203. NEODAMODES. Mardonius, 51; adroit flat- Massalia, 44. Medes, the, 45. Long walls, Athenian, 88; | battle of, 202. Medon, first Athenian ar chon, 29. Megalopolis founded, 167; rebuilt, 157. Megara revolts from Lycabettus, 85. Athens, 78; complains Lyceum, 96. Ionia, subjugated by the Lycon, 140. Ionians, 5; four tribes of, Lycurgus (orator), 236. 71. defection from Sparta, Lyric poetry, 224; occa- Menander, 234. Lysander, appointed Na- Mespila, 147. varchus, 129; intrusted Messene founded, 168. Thirty Tyrants, 135; Miletus, fall of, 50. as- Lysias, 234. Lysimachus, 206, 210; M. Macedonia, description of, Lacedæmonians (v. Spar- Macedonian empire, parti- ta). Laconia, 3; reduced by the Lamian war, 204. Lampsacus, 133. Larissa, 147. Macedonians, their origin, Macrones, the, 148. Mantinea, battle of, 113; Mummius, 221; his igno- Museum, 86. Mycalé, battle of, 68. N. Naxos, Spartan expedition Neapolis, 116. Nearchus, voyage of, 199. Nineveh, 147. Nobles, 9. 0. Enophyta, battle of, 77. Olympiad, first, 4. Olynthus, 159; taken by de- assassinates Pelasgians, 4. PHOCIANS. Tegyra, 163; subdues Phalanx, Macedonian, 176. Philemon, 234. 168; imprisoned by Alex- Phidias accused of recula. Penj-ab, the, 197. (Alexander's ; Pericles, age of, character Philip of Macedon, carried Philip V., 216; assists the manded by Alexander, Ostracism, introduced by P'amisus, River, 3. · P. Paches, 103, 104. Pancratium, 13. Pangæus, 177. Parali, 31. Paris, 7. Parmenio, 187; put to Persepolis, SOCRATES. PHOCION. Phocion, 179; refuses Alex- Pyrrhus, 211; becomes accusation and death, Pythagoras, 42, 237. 208. Phocis, 2. Phoebidas, 160. Phoenicians, 5. Phrynichus, 126. account of, 230. Pythia, 15. Pythian games, 14. R. Phrynichus (dramatist), Rhapsodists, 223. Phyllidas, 161. Pindar, account of, 226; Pisander, 152. Pisistratus, usurpation of, Rhegium, 42. Rhodes, 3; siege of, 210. Roxana, married by Alex- 203. S. Plague at Athens, 190. Plata, battle of, 67; sur- Sacred Band, Theban, 162. Samos, revolt of, 81; sub- Plato visits Sicily, 172; ophy, ib. Pleistoanax, 78. Pratinas, 230. Propylæa, 90. Ptolemy, 206; defeated at Ptolemy Philadelphus, 212. Scione, 109. Scythini, the, 143. 114; Social war, 177; ill effects SPARTANS. method, 139; wisdom of, of, Solon, 30; legislation of, Sophocles, account of, 233; SPEUSIPPUS. Speusippus, 238. Sphacteria, blockaded, Statira, 190, 199; murder- Strategi, Athenian, 101. Susa, treasures at, 194. Syntaxis, the, 162. Syracuse, 42; description S&ssitia, 22. Themistocles, proposes a Tolmides, 78. ib.; his advice to fight Tragedy, Greek, origin of, agem to bring on an en- Trapezus, 148. 66; his views, 70; goes Trojan expedition, 7. ib.; corruption of, 73; Tyrant, value of the term, ib.; reception in Persia, Tyre, besieged by Alex- Thermopyla, 2; pass of, T. 58; battle of, 60. Theseum, the, SS. Theseus, 28. Thespis, 230. Thessalus, 115. X. Cherso- Xanthippus, 55; recovers subdues Egypt, ib.; ily, ib.; defeats the Z. "Table Companions," the, Thesmothetæ, 29, 30. 145. Tænarum, 3. Tarentum, 43. "Ten Thousand," the Ar- Thales of Miletus, 236. an alliance with Athens, in Thrace, 109; banish- 160; rise of their as- Thurii, 79. by Alexander of Pheræ, Timoleon, character of, Xuthus, 4. 169; ally themselves 173; expedition to Sic- with the Athenians Carthaginians, 174; be- comes a Syracusan citi- Zaleucus, laws of, 42. zen, ib. Thebes, 2; liberated from Tiribazus, 158. Zea, 88. THE END. |