INDEX. ABROCOMAS. A. ALEXANDER. Agnon, 79. AMYNTAS. at Issus, 189; march A BROCOMAS, 144. -, a Roman province, Acharnæ, 100. Achelous, 2. Achilles, 7. Achradina, 122. Acropolis, Athenian, 85, Adimantus, 63. galeos, Mt., Xerxes at, Ægeus, 6. Ægina described, 55. olians, 4. Eolus, 4. Agora, 9. Athenian, 96. Eschines accuses Demos-Alemæonidæ banished, 31. of Sparta, 149; charac- Alexander of Pheræ, 168; obedience, 185; demands Ammon, Jove, 192. the Athenian orators, Amphictyonic council, its origin and constitution, decree of the, at the end of the 188; dangerous illness, Amphipolis, 79, 176. ATHENIANS. Aristodemus of Messenia, 24. 25. Aristophanes, account of, 233. Aristotle, 183; account of, 23S. in, 18. war BOULE. themselves with Thebes, Athena, 2; statue of, 92. B. ANACREON. Anacreon, 226. Anactorium, 44. Anaxagoras, 236; charged Aristomenes of Messenia, with impiety, 80. Anaximander, 236. Anaximenes, 236. Andocides, 234. Aniceris, 172. Antigonias, Antigonus, 206; Antalcidas, peace of, 159. Arsinoë, 212. against, 208; Athenian Artaphernes, 48, 51. Artaxerxes, 74, 141. coalition Artemisia, her prowess, 64. the title of king, 210; Asia Minor, Greek colonies slain, ib. Antigonus Doson, 216. Arcadian confederation, 167. Archelaus, 175. Archias, 161. Archidamus, 100; besieges Pericles, 76; hill of, 96. Argos, 3, 5, 18; head of a Aristides, character of, 55; massacre the inhabit- Babylon submits to Alex- ander, 194. cilian affairs, 113; ex- Barbarian, meaning of pedition to Sicily, 115; the term, 11. ily, 119; defeated at sea Belus, temple of, 193. ib.; gain a naval victory Bootarchs restored, 162. BRASIDAS. Brasidas, 109; his expe- Byzantines, erect a statue C. Cyclades, 3. Cylon, conspiracy of, 30. his re- 169. Cyrus, empire of, 46; cap- Thrace, 109; flight and Cumæ, 41. D. Cadmea, or Theban cita- Cadmus, 5. Callias, peace of, 164. Cambunian Mountains, 1. es an oligarchy at Ath- Celts invade Macedonia, Ceramicus, the, 96. Chabrias, 162. Chærephon, 139. Chæronea, second battle Chalybes, the, 148. ry, 92. pedition of, ib.; extorts 55. Darius Codomanus, de- Macedonia and Thrace, Darius, 47; Thracian ex- Corcyræans, quarrel with Delium, Athenian expedi- Delos, confederacy of, 71. Corinth, 81; send an em- Delphi, temple of, 11; or- Cimon, son of Miltiades, Corinthian war, 153. his patronage of art, 88. Crannon, battle of, 204. Clearchus, 142, 145. Craterus, 200. acle, 15; taken by the Demetrius of Phalerus, DEMIURGI Demiurgi, 6. Demosthenes, orator, ac- Epaminondas, 161; his Granicus, battle of the 187. to Sparta, 164; military Greece, form of, 1; physi 221. 167; establishes the Ar- Greek language, 11; his- by Eschines-speech on Ephesus, 41. 204; demanded by An- Ephors, 21; power of the, ib. Calaurea, ib.; death, ib.; Epicurean sect, 237. character as an orator, on tory, early, ib. Gylippus arrives in Sicily, Epicurus, 239. 235. Epidamnus, 44, 81. Dercyllidas, 150. Epimenides, 31. Diacrii, 31. Epipolæ, 117. Diæus, 221. Epirus, 2. Dicasteries, 76. Erechtheum, 93. Dinarchus, 236. Diogenes, his interview with Alexander, 184. volt of, 126. Euboea, 3; revolt from Hannibal, 217. Athens, 78; second re- Harmodius and Aristogi Dion, exiled, 172; takes Euclides, archon, 138. ated, 173. ton, conspiracy of, 35. Harmosts, Spartan, 149. Harpagus, 46. Eumenides of Eschylus, Harpalus, 202. 76. Hecatæus, 49. Helen, 7. Heliæa, 37. Hellanodicæ, 13. Hellas, 1. Hellenes, 1. bridge over Dionysius the elder, tyrant Dionysus, theatre of, at Diopithe, 180. Eupatrida, 6; nature of Eurotas, 3. Eurybiades, 59. Dithyramb, invention of Eurystheus, 6. Dorcis, 71. Dorians, 4; in Pelopon- 20. F. Flamininus, T. Q., 219. G. Galatia, 214. Hellenotamiæ, 71. the, 57. Helots, condition of, 20; Hephæstion, marries Dry- Hercules, 6. Heroic age, 9; manners of, Ecclesia, the, 37. Egypt, its influence Elis, 3. Gelon of Syracuse, 58, 66. Gerusia, Spartan, 21. 35. |